Sunday, 1 January 2017

Learning about Days of the Week, Dates, and Months of the Year!

Happy New Year everyone! May we all look forward to an even more amazing year ahead! Meanwhile, the most exciting thing happening this year is C officially starting school in a few days! I've been homeschooling her for the past couple of years, and it's been really enjoyable. However, now that she's turning five, it's time for her to commence her adventure in school... Meet new friends, learn in a classroom and gain different perspectives on her own.

A few important things that C has learnt at home are knowing the days of the week, dates and the sequence of months in a year. I started introducing these to her more than a year ago, and she knows them confidently now. So I thought it will be great to share how we did it! :)

Days of the Week Wheel. Teaches about Today,
Yesterday and Tomorrow.
At the start of every day, C will turn the wheel and tell what day today is, yesterday was, and what day tomorrow will be. It's a fabulous way to link the days of the week, as well as learn the sequence of the days.

I've come up with a simplified printable here: Days of the Week
You can print, laminate and use a brad to fasten the center of the wheel onto the base.

I printed out a simple calendar month of 31 days,
attached it to a white board, with a magnet marked "TODAY IS".

After turning the Days of the Week wheel, C will hop the magnet marked "TODAY IS" onto the correct date on the board. I used a generic calendar month with all 31 days. I will indicate to C the months that have 28, 29 (in a leap year), 30 or 31 days.

You can download the free printable here: DATES
You will need a magnet (mark it as TODAY IS) and a magnetic white board.
A list of Months in a Year. A bunny marks the current month.
When a new month arrives, C will hop the bunny marker to the
respective month.
C always looks forward to a new month, because that is when she gets to hop the bunny marker! :)

This was done to teach C the months in the year,
as well as their sequence. C learnt to read and place
the correct month according to their corresponding
Read this post to download the free printable here: Months of the Year!

So there you have it! Hope you and your kids will find these useful in learning! And here's wishing all a wonderful 2017 ahead! :)