Wednesday 20 July 2016

Holiday in Australia! Part 1: Myuna Farm Visit & Feed the Bunny Math Activity

It's been a while since my last post, because we were away on a holiday in Australia! C had so much fun and as it's winter now down under, the weather was a cool and wonderful change from hot and humid Singapore!

The beautiful sunrise in Australia
to welcome us!

It was my first time flying alone with a young kid, and it sure was a challenge when our flight out was delayed for almost a whole hour! Well, the good thing is that Changi Airport has loads of attractions. C and I even took the skytrain to explore other terminals before heading to our boarding gate!

Social Tree. You can take a picture
of yourself and choose a cute and fun
outfit to add onto your image!

C had so much fun looking at the
beautiful fishes in the Koi Pond!
Butterfly Garden!
Emergence Cases of the Butterflies.

C trying to catch a butterfly!

Myuna Farm

One of the best things in Australia is the vast land space and the beautiful nature that comes along with it. C and I loved waking up to the wonderful singing of the birds! The first place on our holiday itinerary was Myuna Farm. (Thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law for making all the plans for our trip!)

The farm was a great place to teach C to care for animals. We were given two big loaves of bread to feed the farm animals along a feeding trail. C and her cousins had so much fun feeding the chickens, goats, lamas, deer and sheep!

C feeding the chickens!

Goats. They have rectangular shaped  pupils!

Red Deer.


C's favourite animal to feed.
The highlight of the farm trip was the little petting area where the kids got up and close to docile rabbits and cute guinea pigs!

C's first time touching a rabbit!
C trying to find grass to feed
the rabbits.

In line with our farm visit, we came up with a fun Feed the Bunny Math Activity.

Bunny Pouch and Number Cards. Number cards can be
inserted into pouch to indicate number of carrots to be fed
to bunny! Watch video for instructions. 

C having fun counting carrots and feeding the bunny!

Meanwhile, will be sharing more about the things that we experienced during our Australia trip in the next few posts! Stay tuned! :)

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