Saturday 24 September 2016

Books about Kindness and Compassion

Recently, C and I read a few more books about the significance of being kind and compassionate to others. I thought it is important to provide her a good foundation especially at a young age, just as how my Mum used to teach me to be considerate to others. She used to share how people would feel when certain actions are taken, and that let me understand and empathize with others. In the fast paced life of Singapore now, where academic results take precedence over the teaching of moral values, it is even more paramount to let our children be aware of how their actions and behaviour will affect others around them.

C learning to share!

It has helped tremendously to use daily occurrences as examples for C.

1. Like holding the door open for the next person coming through, especially for the elderly or people with young babies.

2. Greeting our neighbours, to build a community spirit.

3. Acknowledging the hard work of our wonderful cleaners, and respecting them. I love how their faces light up when C says hello and gives them a wave.

4. To know not to speak loudly in certain places like the library or a restaurant, as we need to be considerate to others.

5. Recognize and appreciate service staff who assist us, and to always say thank you. (Being in the service line for more than 10 years, I truly understand how important it is to appreciate customer service personnel.)

Well, the list goes on and we are learning everyday. Besides all these examples, C and I also learnt about kindness, compassion and acceptance through these books. Here are some to share:

Whoever You Are by Mem Fox

A wonderful book to share about how people around the world may be different in certain ways. Differences in the way we look, the way we speak, the way we live, and yet, deep down, we are the same. That we are all human beings who have emotions and feelings.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud

A great book that provides insight into how our actions and behaviour affects others around us. And we have a choice in helping others feel happy.

Happy in Our Skin by Fran Manushkin

This book is also about the differences in how we may look, but each and every one of us have feelings, thoughts and emotions. Everyone is special in our own way, and we should learn to accept ourselves and others too.

Meanwhile, here is a great website to find other stories about kindness:
The Best Children's Books

Do also check out our post on recommended books for preschoolers:
Recommended Books for Preschoolers

Here's wishing everyone a wonderful weekend ahead!

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