Monday 1 February 2016

Months zooming by...

Another month has zoomed past and I can't believe that it's February already! Well, it is a great day to teach C about months of the year since it is the beginning of a new month. 

I used a simple accessory organizer that has 12 clear pockets and placed numbers 1-12 in each pocket. Next, I printed out the months and cut them out into individual cards. The idea is to introduce C to the months of the year as well as their number sequence. She helped match the months to their respective numbers and after a couple of times, she could remember all the months (except for August and December). This is really easy to make and very cost effective too. I got the organizer from my favourite store - Daiso! Haha.

Numbers inserted into the pockets of the organizer.

Individual cards for each month.

This can be hung in an accessible place so kids can
play and learn anytime!

The cards can be placed in a ziplock bag for easy access.
C can play with this activity anytime she desires!

If you are interested in doing this activity with your child, here's the link to download the printouts: Months of the Year

Hope you all have fun and do remember to check back for more ideas next time!

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