Tuesday 26 January 2016

A Beautiful Day to Appreciate Nature

We woke up to a beautiful day this morning. The weather was cool as the clouds were overlooking high above and shaded us from the usual blazing sun. C and I decided to head out with her trusty magnifying glass for an adventure outdoors. Here are some pictures of what we found.

Spotted a Spider Web!

Pretty Yellow Ixora flowers!

Yellow Flame Tree.

Picking up twigs.

And flowers.

Leaflets from the Yellow Flame Tree.

We stumbled upon an interesting cat with relatively long fur.
C called this a 'Lion Cat'!

Pretty pink Mimosa flower.
C was fascinated with the mimosa plant that
reacted to her touch! The leaves fold inward
and droop when touched.

Oxalis Corniculata. They resemble clovers.

C testing her balance on the sturdy roots of a tree.
After the little nature walk and expending her energy at the playground downstairs, it was time to head home. C had fun with activities to name the different parts of a plant and a tree.

Parts of the Plant Activity.
You can download the free printables here:

Singapore is truly a Garden City with all our beautiful trees, greenery and flowers! C and I are so glad to have the chance to appreciate the wonderful nature around us.

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