Saturday 23 January 2016


C loves art. Drawing, finger-painting, or basically anything that involves creating a picture. So I thought of an activity that will involve all these, while reinforcing her knowledge of primary colours, as well as how to achieve secondary colours.

Mixing Paint

I drew three items that are in secondary colours: an orange (ORANGE), a bunch of grapes (PURPLE), and a pear (GREEN).

I asked C to mix the primary colours to achieve the appropriate colours so she can colour the items.

C mixed RED and YELLOW to get ORANGE.
C mixed RED and BLUE to get PURPLE.

C mixed YELLOW and BLUE to get GREEN.

Ta-da! Happy with the end results! :)

After this, C requested to decorate the picture with some glittery stars! I went with the flow and let her continue her little project.

We love using Crayola washable school glue.
Easy to apply and easy to wash off just in case!

With the left over paint mixture, we did hand and finger painting. It's messy but good fun! 

Our finished masterpiece!

Volcano Making

Another activity that C adores is making 'volcanoes'! To combine learning about colours, we added food colouring to the ingredients. Here are the items needed:

1. Food colouring (liquid) - Red, Yellow and Blue
2. Baking Soda (Bicarbonate soda)
3. Vinegar
4. Transparent containers x 2 - 1 for the baking soda, 1 for vinegar + food colouring

Step 1
Mix the desired food colouring into the vinegar.

Step 2
When you are ready for the 'volcano' to erupt, pour the vinegar mixture into the container filled with baking soda.
C mixed Red and Yellow food colouring into the vinegar.

An orange 'volcano'!

C mixed Red and Blue food colouring to get a Purple 'volcano'!

Yellow and Blue food colouring to make a Green 'volcano'!

C was so fascinated with the bubbles from the reaction!
So, here you go, a couple of fun ideas to teach our kids about primary and secondary colours. I'm sure there are many more ways to learn in a fun way, so please feel free to comment and share your ideas with me too!

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