C loves art. Drawing, finger-painting, or basically anything that involves creating a picture. So I thought of an activity that will involve all these, while reinforcing her knowledge of primary colours, as well as how to achieve secondary colours.
Mixing Paint
I drew three items that are in secondary colours: an orange (ORANGE), a bunch of grapes (PURPLE), and a pear (GREEN).
I asked C to mix the primary colours to achieve the appropriate colours so she can colour the items.
C mixed RED and YELLOW to get ORANGE. |
C mixed RED and BLUE to get PURPLE. |
C mixed YELLOW and BLUE to get GREEN. |
Ta-da! Happy with the end results! :) |
After this, C requested to decorate the picture with some glittery stars! I went with the flow and let her continue her little project.
We love using Crayola washable school glue.
Easy to apply and easy to wash off just in case! |
With the left over paint mixture, we did hand and finger painting. It's messy but good fun!
Our finished masterpiece! |
Volcano Making
Another activity that C adores is making 'volcanoes'! To combine learning about colours, we added food colouring to the ingredients. Here are the items needed:
1. Food colouring (liquid) - Red, Yellow and Blue
2. Baking Soda (Bicarbonate soda)
3. Vinegar
4. Transparent containers x 2 - 1 for the baking soda, 1 for vinegar + food colouring
Step 1
Mix the desired food colouring into the vinegar.
Step 2
When you are ready for the 'volcano' to erupt, pour the vinegar mixture into the container filled with baking soda.
C mixed Red and Yellow food colouring into the vinegar. |
An orange 'volcano'! |
C mixed Red and Blue food colouring to get a Purple 'volcano'! |
Yellow and Blue food colouring to make a Green 'volcano'! |
C was so fascinated with the bubbles from the reaction! |
So, here you go, a couple of fun ideas to teach our kids about primary and secondary colours. I'm sure there are many more ways to learn in a fun way, so please feel free to comment and share your ideas with me too!
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