Saturday 23 January 2016

Learning is not just for school, but for LIFE.

Welcome to my blog!

Well, it took me three and a half years to finally commence writing this. It has been a whirlwind adventure since the birth of my daughter, C. And even though she was not the easiest baby to care for, it is a journey with no regrets. She has taught me to be a better person. I have learnt to appreciate my own mother so much more, and really comprehend all the things my mum had done when I was growing up myself. The love of a mother is truly unconditional, and I understand that now.

Being a first time mum was not easy, especially when my hubby had to travel overseas for work while our little bub was a teeny 4 months old. I had given up my job to care for our little one full time, to be a SAHM (stay-at-home-mum). Many people I have met often have the impression that being a SAHM is an easy job, but honestly, it can be really exhausting, when you are caring for the baby's needs, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, and cooking, etc. There are days when you have only 5 minutes to gobble your lunch down because your baby needed your attention just when you had started on your meal. There are also nights when your baby can wake up frequently, leaving you sleep-deprived. So whenever I meet a fellow SAHM, I totally feel and understand your challenges. Having said that, I understand it is also not easy for working mothers. We parents just need all the moral support we can have, right?

Anyway, despite the difficulties, motherhood has been pretty fulfilling. It has been such a privilege being there to witness C achieving all her milestones. From a tiny helpless baby, she had learnt to flip, sit, crawl, cruise and walk her way to become a vivacious toddler who does everything with such tenacity. C is one determined little girl. She is now a preschooler, and I admire her perseverance in how she learns. Everyday is a chance to learn for her, be it from her surroundings or from the daily activities we do at home.

Well, it's become a norm to send kids to school at the tender age of 3, such that most people are surprised to find out that we have decided to home-school her for now. There are many opportunities and experiences she can learn from each day. C has definitely benefited from her freedom to explore at her own pace and do daily activities that interest her. I believe if learning is made fun, it will allow our children to continue to want to learn, because learning is not just for school, but for LIFE.

So, last year, I had started creating a list of learning activities I do with C everyday. This blog is a platform to share ideas with fellow parents who may be interested in doing something fun with their little ones, and spend some quality time together at the same time. And hopefully I can learn some new ideas from you all too!

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