Friday 27 May 2016

Build a Sea Plane, Pirate Play and Fun Activity Worksheets and Easy Chinese Worksheets

It's been a really fun and busy week for C and I! We attended the RSAF Open House last weekend, and it sure was exciting for C to see so many different types of aircraft as well as witness the powerful fighter jets put on a roaring performance. The F-15 and F-16 pilots showcased their amazing prowess during the show! C must have been inspired, as over the next few days after the Open House, she requested that we build an aircraft ourselves! So we came up with a simple sea plane, made with an old recycled cardboard box. 

Build a Sea Plane!

C all excited to build her own aircraft!
C decided to give the sea plane some eyes, and
a smiley face. :)
Propeller was made using a modified pinwheel
from Daiso!
Wings were made from coloured paper. Straps were also
attached so C could 'fly' the craft without holding onto the box.
We fixed it with wings and a propeller for flying in the sky. We also made a control panel. The controls can switch between flying in the air, and sailing in the water. We've also included the basic directions of going up, down, left and right.

C is still having loads of fun flying her sea plane around the house even after a few days, so it was well worth the effort! If you are keen on creating your own aircraft with your kid, here is a quick list of the items we used:

- Big Cardboard Box (large enough for kid to fit through comfortably)
- Plain Wrapping Paper, or you could use paint over the exterior of the box
- Pinwheel as propellers
- Coloured paper, folded to become wings
- 2 Long Strips of Felt as straps over shoulders (so kid can move around hands free)
- Control Panel printout (Click to download printable)

Meanwhile, here are a couple more activities we've been busy with:

- Pirate Play!
- Easy Chinese Worksheets

Pirate Play!

This was a fun activity we did to introduce directions and map reading to C. We came up with a treasure map drawn with a couple of landmarks. C then attempted to use a compass to locate the treasure chest based on the directions given by the map.

Here are the items used:
Treasure Map, Compass, Toy Treasure Chest,
and landmarks built with C's building blocks.

C dressed up as a pirate with her pirate hat!
(Pirate hat available in printable).

In this Pirate Play printable, you will also find:
A treasure map where you can
place your own treasure chest and
landmark locations. 
Pirate themed mazes.
Pirate hat for dress up fun!
Colouring Activity
Dress up the Pirate!
Click here to download Pirate Play and Fun Activity Worksheets!

Easy Chinese Worksheets

When I was growing up in school, I used to have difficulty grasping the Chinese language, mainly because my family speaks English at home. Fortunately, through hard work and determination, and a whole lot of luck, I managed to score an A during my 'O' levels! Even my Chinese teacher was so surprised, since I was always just scraping through my Chinese examinations. I will never forget the look on her face when she announced my result. Haha!

Fast forward three decades, and now I am concerned about C's understanding of the Chinese language. So I am trying to come up with worksheets and exercises to introduce her to some basic Chinese, slowly but surely. Here are some basic Chinese worksheets I have come up with:

Learning Chinese Words and Matching

Basic Chinese Strokes Handwriting 

These are the links to download our Easy Chinese Worksheets:
- Chinese Part 1

I'll be coming up with more as C and I continue to learn together. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend ahead! :)

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