Monday 8 August 2016

Happy National Day! History of Singapore, Singapore Landmarks and Singapore Ethnic Groups Activity!

It's Singapore's National Day tomorrow! C is extremely excited and she requested to learn more about Singapore's history, as well as learn how to sing our national anthem! :)

Well, we are so lucky now to have the luxury of the internet, and websites like YouTube where we have the access to informative videos. :) Here is a link to the video that enabled C to learn Singapore's National Anthem, as well as learn the English meaning of the song, since our anthem is in the Malay language. Singapore National Anthem.

Meanwhile, I also came up with a summarized timeline of Singapore's history, as well as the significance of Singapore's National Flag.

I've also included a simple Singapore Landmarks Activity in the printable. Click here to download.

I think one of the best things about Singapore is our multi-racial community, and how we have lived together in harmony, despite our different cultures. Here is an ethnic group activity I did with C. It is by Preschool Resources, click here to visit their page for the printable. 

C learning about the different
ethnic groups in Singapore.
C learning about the traditional
Learning about different
ethnic cuisines.
So there, a few ideas for kids to learn more about Singapore, and here's wishing Singapore a Happy 51st Birthday! :)

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