Thursday 25 August 2016

Sensory Play Time!

C had so much fun today because it was sensory play time! I found a pack of expired rice flour in the cabinet the other day, so I thought instead of just tossing it into the bin, we may as well put it to good use. :)

C was given a large tray of rice flour, a couple of scoops and a sift. At the same time, I used this opportunity to introduce the usage of a weighing machine to C, so she can learn about numbers and weight.

We used two cups initially, so C can observe the difference between a cup that is half filled with flour versus one that is full. We also adjusted the amounts of flour in the cups so C can see the changes in weight on the scale. C was then asked to fill 3 cups, so that we have one cup that is light, one medium and one heavy.

With this simple activity, C managed to learn:
- how to read a weighing scale
- unit of measurement in grams
- numbers 50, 100, 150 and 200
- estimation of weight based on feel

And of course, she was so happy making a mess! Haha.

After this, I realized that the rice flour can then be made into dough for a second sensory play activity! All we needed was to add water and food colouring, and voila! We had dough for C to knead into shapes! :)

Colourful snowmen by C!
C then made her own experiment by adding even more water after this, as she was curious as to what would happen. This was also a great activity for mixing and learning about colours! :)

So there you have it, a pack of rice flour, and a few other household items = hours of fun and learning! Meanwhile, do check out our related posts on sensory play and colours:

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