Thursday, 30 June 2016

Fractions for Preschoolers!

C was introduced to fractions using this fun activity! It involves cutting up fruits into different portions / fractions, while C helps to feed a friend she calls 'Sam' (made out of an old wipes box).

1 whole pear, apple cut into halves, orange cut into thirds,
lemon into quarters, and watermelon sliced into fifths.
C with 'Sam'.
C feeding 'Sam' half an apple.
C feeding 'Sam' a third of an orange.
C feeding 'Sam' a quarter of a lemon.
We repeated this activity with various fractions, where C also got to understand how adding two halves will give her ONE whole. At the same time, she was introduced to two-thirds, two-fifths, three-fifths, etc. I laminated the print outs so they can be used over and over again.

If you are interested, click here to download: Fractions! (includes a bonus worksheet)
Hope you have fun with your kids! :)

Fun with Colours!

We made our own coloured filters the other day, and C had great fun experimenting with them! They are fabulous to show how primary colours can be mixed to create secondary colours and more!

Filters with Primary Colours, Red, Yellow and Blue.

C mixing Red and Blue to get Purple!

A look through the coloured filters.

We made the filters using cellophane and thick paper (to act as the casing of the filters).

A reference for sizing.
So, how do coloured filters actually work? In our previous post, Rainbow Fun, we did a prism experiment to show how white light is made up of different colours, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. It also gives an idea of how a rainbow is formed.

A coloured filter is basically a transparent material that absorbs some colours, while allowing others to pass through. 

Red + Yellow = Orange,
Yellow + Blue = Green
Red + Blue = Purple

If you are keen, here's a colour chart for your reference!

Hope you have fun experimenting with colours! :) 
And do check out our related posts:

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

The Great Outdoors! The Healthy Game, Flower Activity, Learning to Read Signs and I Spy Game!

We woke up to a cool morning and decided to go for an exploration journey outdoors. It was great fun to head out and get some fresh air, and to enjoy the beautiful nature around us. It's amazing what we can find if we slow down our footsteps and look around!

Today, C got to:
1. Exercise and expend some energy
2. Learn about different types of flowers and plants
3. Learn how to read and observe signs


C thrilled to start her
exploration journey!
It is definitely important to have a healthy lifestyle, and the easiest way is to get outdoors, even if it is for a short walk. Some exercise is better than none! Well, kids have loads of energy, so getting out of the house is pure heaven to them! Haha.

Jogging in the park connector.

C having fun on a balance beam!
Climb! Climb! Climb!

C playing on a mini suspension bridge!


C loved chasing the birds and butterflies!

Meanwhile, we came up with a game that includes:
fun exercise moves, 5 senses of the human body, and basic ways to take care of our health.

You will just need your own dice and tokens to play!

Click here to download: The Healthy Game!

Different Flowers and Plants

Along the way, we discovered many beautiful flowers and plants. Here are some of them:

Climber plants that covered the
entire tree trunk!
Red Ixora Flowers!

Ixora Flower Buds.

Found these interesting flowers along
the park connector. They are called
Russelia Equisetiformis. Common names
include Firecracker plant,
Coral plant or Fountain plant.

Lindernia Crustacea.
Brittle False Pimpernel.
C's favourite colour! Orange Flowers!
C stopping to appreciate the pretty flowers.
Stumbled upon some pretty dandelions!

Curious C getting a close up look.
Yellow trumpet flowers.
They are so vibrant and gorgeous!
C had a great time spotting the different types of flowers along the way to the park! And we came up with a little flower activity when we got home. It includes:
- a colour matching and math worksheet,
- bug hunt list, and
- some general knowledge about flowers!

Click here to download: Flower Activity

Reading Signs!

While we were heading home, I thought it will be great for C to learn about reading and observing signs. Here are some of the signs we saw:

Danger sign.
No skates, no soccer,
no motorbikes and no littering.

No crossing sign.

Exit sign.
Stop sign.
Here's a list of useful signs for kids to learn: 

Click here to download: Learning to Read Signs!

"I Spy" Game!

Here's another idea of a game to play when outdoors! We played the "I spy" Game while heading back and we searched for SHAPES!



Standing on Rectangles!


A Circle!
So there you go, a few fun things to do and look out for when outdoors! :)

Do check out our other related posts:

Flower Arrangement

- A Beautiful Day to Appreciate Nature!