Wednesday 22 June 2016

Flower Arrangement, Button Sequencing and Word Hunt Fun!

I found these cute little felt flowers and buttons while shopping over the weekend, and thought C would love creating some flower patterns and learn about sequencing at the same time.

Flower Arrangement

The flowers came in various colours, designs and sizes, so I randomly picked out a few and layered them to create different flower patterns, while C was asked to replicate the exact same designs. C had tons of fun doing this! And we took the flowers apart over and over again and created new ones for her to reproduce. She also made a few flower patterns and tasked me to replicate them too! Haha.

Button Sequencing!

The cute felt buttons came in the shapes of circles, flowers and hearts. I began with sequencing them according to their shapes and mixed them up later to make the sequencing patterns more challenging for C. 

Word Hunt Activity!

Meanwhile, we also came up with a word hunt activity, as C loves the action of searching and finding! It includes a picture with 10 hidden words, and C is to locate the words and spell them. For the spelling part, we utilized a set of colourful wooden alphabets. :)

C spelling SOFA.

C found the APE!

Learning to spell CHIME.
If you are keen in the flower and button sequencing activity, click here to order:
Flower Arrangement & Button Sequencing Activity

If you would like to do the word hunt activity, click here to download:
Word Hunt Fun!

Meanwhile, do check out our previous post related to word games as well:
Math and Word Games

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