Friday 10 June 2016

Rainy Day Activities: Hopscotch Math, Feeding Sam, Guessing Game and Fun with Window Markers!

A week just zoomed by! Well, it's been raining so often that we have been spending more time at home. Here are some fun activities we've been doing the past week:

Hopscotch Math

Things needed:
- Addition sum cards (click here for download)
- Hopscotch number mat / 
you can use chalk to draw the hopscotch outline on the ground outdoors (if the weather cooperates!)
- Bucket or container to place addition sums
- Whiteboard / Paper and Marker to keep score

How to play:
Each player takes turns to pick an addition sum from the bucket. Solve the sum and hop to the correct number. One point will be given to every correct answer. After all the sums have been picked and answered, the player with the most points wins!

Whiteboard to keep score.

After each sum is answered correctly,
it is placed next to the number.
C learning to keep score.
This was a good way for C to expend some energy while learning math at the same time! :)

Feeding Sam!

This was C's idea and I thought it was pretty fun! She had requested that we come up with a feeding game, where we use different utensils to feed a character (C named him Sam).

Here are the items we used:
- Empty Wipes Box (we added eyes so it looks like a face)
- Spoon
- Fork
- Training Chopsticks
- Food (Playdoh Noodles, Vegetables, Cookies and Pom pom as a pretend fishball)

An empty wipes box with eyes. C named him Sam!
Utensils and pretend food.
Playdoh Noodles made using Playdoh Beginner's Set.
C feeding Sam some noodles with her chopsticks!
C feeding Sam the fishball with her spoon!
Good balancing needed for this one!
C using her fork here.
C excited to play this all over again!
C using scissors to cut the noodles.

Playdoh Beginner's Set. A fabulous set that allows
you to make wonderful playdoh food. 
This is a great activity for C to practise her fine motor skills while using various utensils to pick up different shaped items.

Guessing Game!

This is a game where players take turns to pick a game card, without looking at what is on the card. Players then hold their cards above their head, while helping each other by giving clues. Each player is supposed to guess what is on their card based on the clues provided by other players.

I've also made a couple of worksheets for C as she learns new words playing this game (included in the printable below).

Fun with Window Markers!

We absolutely love these Crayola Window Markers and Washable Paint! C has so much fun drawing and painting on our shower glass with these, and they are so easy to wash off once she's done! Plus, C is always thrilled to help me wash the shower screen with a sponge and squeegee thereafter. Good motivation for kids to help out with the cleaning up! :) 

Well, I hope these ideas will help keep your kids busy at home on a rainy day! And here's wishing all a beautiful weekend ahead! :)

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