Thursday 30 June 2016

Fun with Colours!

We made our own coloured filters the other day, and C had great fun experimenting with them! They are fabulous to show how primary colours can be mixed to create secondary colours and more!

Filters with Primary Colours, Red, Yellow and Blue.

C mixing Red and Blue to get Purple!

A look through the coloured filters.

We made the filters using cellophane and thick paper (to act as the casing of the filters).

A reference for sizing.
So, how do coloured filters actually work? In our previous post, Rainbow Fun, we did a prism experiment to show how white light is made up of different colours, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. It also gives an idea of how a rainbow is formed.

A coloured filter is basically a transparent material that absorbs some colours, while allowing others to pass through. 

Red + Yellow = Orange,
Yellow + Blue = Green
Red + Blue = Purple

If you are keen, here's a colour chart for your reference!

Hope you have fun experimenting with colours! :) 
And do check out our related posts:

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